Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who's Next!!?

My God, it's great to be an American. And unlike Mrs. Obama, I have always been proud of being an American. We have choices. We can pick and choose who we would like to have represent us at any level of government. Don't like the guy or gal running the show now, vote for the other guy or gal. Just that simple, or is it? I have religiously voted since 1972. I always knew in my mind and heart who I thought would be the best at their position. Not this time. Let me say this, I think this run for the presidency started way too soon. I'm tired of it and all the lies and deception from all of the candidates. Everyone has a "plan"or a "vision" for America. So do I! My thinking unfortunately is honesty. If I had a plan I would not only tell you what I have in mind but hand you a hard copy and be held accountable for it. These 3 just give you a taste but will never give you the whole dinner, except for Sen. McCain's "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran." He's just another "W" only inverted "M" and quite frankly he scares me. He is too quick on the draw and seems in a constant state of anger. Not a good choice for CinC the way the world is functioning today. Sen. Obama scares me also. I know this is like beating a dead horse but come on, he attends a church with a radical preacher who denounces the USA and he still refers to him as an old uncle. Yes Obama did say that the words used were unacceptable, but he did not distance himself from this man. Is America really ready for a black president? I'm color blind so I go by what he claims he can do to better the USA. But you know as well as I that there is a certain class of American that seems to think that "these people" should still be dancing, picking cotton and shining shoes. Those kind of people make my stomach turn but in the "land of the free" they have every right to believe what they want just like Obama's pastor. Now to Sen.. Clinton. She seems to have 2 or maybe more personalities. One is the strong independent woman who would send you to hell with a smile on her face, and then get weepy because of the struggles she's had on the campaign trail. Her asset is Bill. He is well respected by every government worldwide. having him as an "ambassador" TO the world would certainly not be a hindrance. All in all, everyone of the candidates is going to lower taxes, fix social security, handle the illegal immigrant situation, end the war (delete Sen. McCain), and fill the coffers with tons and tons of money. Hand me a hard copy senators, sign it, have it notarized and be held accountable if your plans fail as they ultimatly will.

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